Breastfeeding support
Are you pregnant and want more information about breastfeeding? Have you just had a baby and need help with breastfeeding? Maybe you are uncertain or perhaps you want to combine breastfeeding with going back to work.
Good preparation for breastfeeding is best done in pregnancy by attending the information evening . Here you will learn how to start breastfeeding and receive lots of practical information for the week after the birth. You will learn what is important for breastfeeding and what you need to look out for. With this knowledge you establish a good basis and be able to indentify and prevent problems yourself.
Annette can tell you everything you need to know about breastfeeding. She will help you on your way if you experience problems and will come to your home for a consultation to support you if needed.
Annette is a certified lactation consultant and works on a haptonomic basis. Haptonomy is about your experience and makes you aware of your feelings. It's about connection, listening, boundaries, healing and affirming. By reflecting on the contact between you and your child and deepening the contact, you create a warm and safe basis for later.